GETAWAY (Reproduction - Both Versions)


Here are BOTH versions of the new B&T Automaten reproduction HS2 Getaway playfields.  Overall these are a good quality reproduction playfields.  One version has frosted inserts and the other version is the non-frosted insert version.  The frosted inserts are VERY FROSTED compared to an original but it looks ok.  A lot of dimples/holes are missing so installation will not be very easy. 

FROSTED INSERTS:  What makes the inserts ‘frosted’ is the primer that is applied to the playfield before the playfield is silkscreened with the artwork.  The original Williams playfields also had this primer.  The primer is non-clear and is applied on the entire surface.  You will see even the shooter lane and other wood areas have a milky white look to it.  This primer seals the playfield and also makes the insert text easier to read than the version that is not primed.